
If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light.

Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness and fears.

~ Cesare Pavese

Olympic Park pink muhly during autumn in seoul

Hi! I’m Shelley, the woman behind the words.

I’m a coffee loving, cubicle hating, toddler toting introvert, who quit the grind 10 years ago… to live life on my own terms.

Traveling & living around the world has changed my life in all the very best ways. And I hope the words and images here inspire you not just to dream, but to actually set forth on an adventure of your very own.

On my blog, you’ll find destination guides, down to earth travel advice, and way too honest info about the 61 countries I’ve visited independently so far. Follow along, comment and ask me all your burning travel-related questions. Let’s connect!

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One does not discover new lands

without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.

~ Andre Gide

Summer in South Korea

Spanning the months of June, July, and August, summer is a busy travel season, with school vacations around the world, and diaspora returning home. The climate can be challenging at this time, with rainfall, high temperatures, and extreme humidity. This is the season to take advantage of Korea’s many wonderful indoor activities, and summer festivals.

What to do in Korea in Summer

From water-filled activities to a beach full of mud, summer in South Korea is packed with amazing festivals. It’s the ideal time to hit the beaches that line 3 sides of the Peninsula, spend time in a waterpark or mountain stream, or try out glamping. Lotus flowers in full bloom are a sight that can only be seen during the hot summer months, so make sure to get out to see some.

Best Summer Day Tours in Korea for 2024

Don’t miss the incredibly popular Boryeong Mud Festival that takes place every summer on Daecheon Beach. When you’re done with that, take in one of the water-filled music festivals, or get out to see lotus, hydrangea, and lavender in full bloom.

summer in korea | semiwon lotus flowers

Lotus flowers bloom in July and August in Korea.

Taking place during the hot summer months, these day tours make it easy to get to some of the more challenging places in rural areas around the country, while avoiding the worst of the heat and humidity.

surfyy beach in korea

Time to hit the beach! © Kim Jiho, Korea Tourism Organization