  >  Asia   >  Korea   >  How Locals Survive a Scorching Summer in Seoul | 11 Personal Tips
sunset over namsan in seoul korea

If you’ve never lived through a summer in Seoul, count yourself lucky. In my books, there are few things on earth WORSE than the months of July and August on the peninsula.

sunset over namsan during summer in korea

Summer in Seoul is devastatingly hot, but it can be pretty too

A Seoul summer is definitely NOT the best time to visit, yet this is EXACTLY when the hordes choose to descend on the ROK. I don’t know who you are, but I think you might need to rethink your plans. Just saying.

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What Should I Expect during Summer in Seoul?

Summer in Seoul lasts for about 3 months, from June to August. June is hot and a little sticky, but pretty tolerable. By July though, you can count on scorching heat, monsoon rains, humidity as high as 100% WITHOUT rain, polluted skies and what seems like an extra 10 million people wandering around the city.

Summer in Seoul | monsoon rains

Summer in Korea brings monsoons

This is pretty much the stuff of nightmares if you ask me. This torture lasts through August (minus the monsoon rains), and ends pretty dramatically almost as soon as September hits.

I admit that my preferred method of surviving a sticky summer in Seoul is to leave the country, ideally to a Mediterranean country with gorgeous beaches and good food.

lefkada greece beaches

I’d take this over the monsoon any day.

But since summering in Europe isn’t often in the cards, mostly I have to resort to the following well-worn strategies. It’s that, or never leaving the air-conditioned comfort of my house… which unfortunately, isn’t really an option.

Read on to learn how Seoulites (barely) survive the scorching summer in Seoul.

Summer in Seoul Weather

Here’s a more detailed rundown of the weather during the summer months in Seoul. The best month to visit Korea in summer is definitely June. It’s not as humid, and rainy season typically doesn’t start in earnest until July.

When is Summer in Seoul?

June, July, and August

Average Temperatures in June

18°C | 65°F to 27°C | 81°F

Average Temperatures in July

22°C | 71°F to 29°C | 84°F

Average Temperatures in August

22°C | 72°F to 30°C | 85°F

Public Holidays

Thursday, June 6th: Memorial Day
Wednesday, July 17th: Constitution Day
Thursday, August 15th: Liberation Day

Best June Festival

Pohang International Fire and Light Festival | Jump on a tour

Best July Festival

Boryeong Mud Festival | Day Tour from Seoul

Best August Festival

Semiwon Lotus Festival

If you want to avoid the worst of the humidity, try to time your trip for the first 2 weeks of June, or the last 2 weeks of August.

Dealing with the Heat during Summer in Seoul

It seems obvious, but the first thing locals do is avoid as much of the heat as possible. This could mean hanging out in malls, shopping in the underground, or running from air conditioned shop to air conditioned shop.

When we’re forced to be outside, this is how we cope.

banpo dokkaebi night market during summer in seoul

Sometimes we’re forced to go outside during summer

Get a personal mini-fan (*it must have ears)

A few years ago, personal handheld fans became all the rage in Seoul. You literally could not walk half a block without running into someone carrying one. My run-ins with these people would immediately be followed by insane bouts of jealousy and the undeniable urge to rip the fan out of their hands to use myself. Kidding, not kidding.

summer in seoul requires a Hello Kitty personal fan

Helloooo Kitty

I finally jumped on the bandwagon and got myself my daughter, a rechargeable pink handheld Hello Kitty fan. It’s particularly useful in subway stations, where there’s no ac or airflow. You can buy these pretty much everywhere you turn in Seoul in the summer months, and they’re not expensive. Don’t hesitate.

HAN RIVER YACHT CRUISE  |  Seeing Seoul by boat on the Han River is a unique experience. Enjoy cooling breezes, gorgeous sunsets, and Seoul lit up at night with an evening tour of the Han River by yacht. Check full details here.

Find the shade

During summer in Seoul, you’ll often see a huge group of people huddled under the tiny patch of shade afforded by a tree. I used to scoff at these people, and march defiantly past them into the sunshine, but I’ve learned my lesson. Oh, have I learned my lesson.

hangang park during summer in seoul

Finding shade under a Hangang Bridge during a Seoul summer

Find the shade wherever you can. A tree. The book you’re holding in your hand. Your purse. Basically anything you can use to create shelter. Because if you don’t, the humidity and summer temperature in Seoul will have you dripping sweat in seconds. And no, I’m not exaggerating even a little bit.

UNLIMITED TRAIN RIDES WITH A KR RAIL PASS  |  A Korea Rail Pass is the best way to travel around the country. Explore Korea via high-speed train, with unlimited rides to over 600 stations and 80 different routes. Choose from 3 or 5 consecutive days or flexible 2 and 4 day tickets. Get more details here.

Take a break next to the sea

The best and perhaps most classic way to survive a summer in Seoul is to take a break next to the sea. And while the beaches in Korea don’t have the vibrant culture of the Mediterranean, a weekend out of the city, lounging around on sandy beaches and dipping into the cool sea when necessary is sure to rejuvenate all that ails you.

gyeongpo beach in korea

Head to a Korean beach on the East Coast to escape summer in Seoul.

There are beaches on all 3 sides of the country, but for an easy and manageable break out of Seoul, head out to the East Coast, where Korea’s best (arguably) beaches (outside of Jeju Island) are located. Our favourite is Gyeongpo Beach – a mere 2.5 hours away by bus.

Foods to Survive a Summer in Seoul

Whether it’s an iced Americano, fresh ade, boiling soup, or cooling naengmyun, Koreans have got a whole buffet of foods designed just to make it through a Seoul summer.

Icy Bingsu

Bingsu, along with naengmyun, are 2 things I just couldn’t wrap my head around until I moved to Korea. Let’s face it. This common Korean dessert looks kinda weird. In its classic form – patbingsu – it’s shaved ice, topped with a gooey mess of boiled red beans. But it’s really the most classic dessert to eat during a Seoul summer to cool down.


The most classic form of bingsu is patbingsu

Despite having lived here for almost a decade now, I still rarely hop on board the sweetened red bean train. It’s just not my thing. Gladly however, bingsu has evolved, and now you can get melon bingsu, strawberry bingsu, snow bingsu, coffee bingsu, mango bingsu – you name it, you can probably get it.

My personal favourite is injeolmi bingsu. This milk ice topped with Korean rice cakes and roasted soybean powder, admittedly also looks and sounds weird. But it’s actually totally delicious and completely refreshing, with bonus points for being nutritious too!

bingsu summer in seoul dessert

Injeolmi bingsu and melon bingsu are the ideal dessert for summer in Seoul.

Be sure to try it when the summer temperature and humidity really starts to get to you. Bingsu is pretty much the ideal Korean dessert for surviving the crazy heat and humidity. Even better than ice cream, in my opinion.

Combat the heat with an army of cold soups

Growing up in Calgary, where it sometimes snows in June, and the air is so dry, your skin feels like it’s cracking, my mom’s craving for noodles drenched in cold broth was impossible to understand. But boy do I get it now.

On days where the humidity is through the roof during summer in Seoul, the only thing that’ll do is mul naengmyeon (물냉면). These thin noodles are usually made from a combination of buckwheat and potato flours, and served in an icy broth topped with slices of daikon radish, cucumber and egg.

naengmyun and grilled meat at yooksam naengmyun

I’ve tried various and more expensive versions of mul naengmyeon, but nothing refreshes me from the inside out as much as Yookssam Naengmyun’s (육쌈냉면) cheap and tangy version. Served along with a portion of grilled meat, it’ll cost you around 8,000 won.

Don’t worry if 물냉면 isn’t your thing though. There’s a literal army of cold Korean soups and stews to suit your fancy. Try kongguksu (콩국수), a dish that owes its white colour to blended boiled soy beans, or chogye guksu (초계국수) – an icy and refreshing chicken noodle soup.

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panorama of busan

Fight fire with fire (이열치열)

The day that I eat a hot, spicy soup during a Seoul summer is the day hell freezes over. But that’s not true of all Koreans. Many believe that the best way to fight the summer heat and humidity in Korea is with something equally as hot.


Does super hot weather make you want to eat a boiling pot of spicy stew? Yeah, me neither.

This tactic of “fighting fire with fire,” or iyeol chiyeol (이열치열) is based on an idea from traditional Korean medicine, believing that in hot weather, body heat or gi, rises to the surface and disperses, leaving the inner organs cold. Lost heat needs to be replenished by eating hot foods, with rejuvenating ingredients like ginseng, jujubes and omija.

grilled eel and side dishes in korea

Grilled eel is a classic iyeol chiyeol food to eat

Classic iyeol chiyeol foods include samgyetang – a whole young boiled chicken in a nutritious broth, nakji bokkeum – octopus stir-fried in a super spicy sauce, jangeo – bbq eel, and yukgaejang – a spicy beef and vegetable soup.

Try eating one of these fortifying dishes when summer in Seoul really starts to wear you down.

summer in seoul | heuksam samgyetang

Samgyetang is an iyeol chiyeol food.

Where to Escape Summer in Seoul

There’s no sugar coating it. Summer in the city is HOT, HOT, HOT, but there are a few small pockets that are slightly cooler.

Walk along Cheonggyecheon Stream (청계천)

If you’re among the tourist hordes visiting Seoul during summer vacation, you’ll undoubtedly end up in Jongno-gu exploring Korea’s Chosun dynasty palaces, Insadong or the Bukchon hanok village.

Cheonggyecheon stream during summer in seoul

Cheonggyecheon Stream is almost 4 degrees cooler than the rest of Seoul.

When you’re desperate for a slightly more refreshing spot to snap that all important hanbok selfie, mop the sweat off your brow and head to nearby Cheonggyecheon Stream. It’s an average of 3.6°C COOLER than other parts of Seoul, due to the flowing water and natural environment.

TIP  |  Perfect for history lovers! Visit Gyeongbokgung Palace, the N Seoul Tower, the Blue House, and Namsangol Hanok Village, and do a photo shoot in a traditional Korean hanbok. Includes a guide, transport to all locations and samgyetang for lunch. Book a tour of some of Seoul’s most important sites, including hanbok rental and lunch here.

Cool off in a Mountain Valley (계곡)

Mountain valleys or 계곡 in Korea usually feature a stream or river. The water is refreshingly cool, and they’re the perfect place to cool down with family or friends during a super hot summer in Seoul.

summer in seoul mountain stream

During summer in Seoul, visiting a 계곡 is a perfect family activity by 칼빈500 (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Korea is 70% mountainous, so it’s easy to find a 계곡 pretty much all over the country. If you can’t make it out of the city though, you can visit the Nadeul road at Gwanaksan Mountain in Seoul. This trail is around 6-km long and follows various streams in the mountain valley. During summer, the downstream area is open to the public for swimming and cooling off.

LOTTE WORLD  |  Forget the heat at Lotte World Amusement Park. It’s the largest indoor amusement park in the world, and it’s conveniently located right in Seoul, so it’s easy to get to using only public transit. Check details here.

Where to Swim during Summer in Seoul

Dipping your broiling self into a cool body of water seems like the most natural solution for an insanely hot Seoul summer, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, there are no beaches in the city, and public pools are seriously lacking for a city this massive. However, there are a few options available to you, depending on your budget and needs.

gwanghwamun square fountain seoul korea

You might have to resort to a fountain to cool off during a Seoul summer

Outdoor swimming pools near the Han River

There are 8 outdoor swimming pools located next to the Han River in Seoul. They can be found across the city at Ttukseom, Yeouido, Gwangnaru, Mangwon, Jamwon, Jamsil, Nanji, and Yanghwa Parks. Open for all of summer in Seoul – from the end of June until the end of August, facilities differ from park to park.

summer in seoul | hangang park swimming pools

There are 8 swimming pools in Hangang Parks across Seoul.

Most have multiple pools to be used by different age groups, waterslides, play areas, showers, change rooms and food stalls. Keep in mind that you’ll need to wear some kind of swim cap or head covering to enter the pools.

TIP  |  In my experience, these pools are usually overrun with families on weekends, and best avoided. Google “ttukseom pool” and you’ll see exactly what I mean. If however, you can swing by on weekdays or off-peak hours, it’s a totally relaxing and affordable way to cool down. Kids under 5 even enter for free!

Limited Edition Summer Tours in Korea 2024

Summer in Seoul might be scorching hot, but it’s also the perfect time to take advantage of the heat with activities at water parks, beaches, and mountain streams. From gorgeous lotus flowers to a beach full of mud, there’s a ton of unique events and festivals designed just for the hot, hot summer months in Korea.

hydrangea in jeju

Hydrangea blooms in early summer © Lee Sang-woon, Korea Tourism Organization

anmok beach

Summer in Seoul means it’s time for the beach!

At a water park

There are huge water parks in the Seoul metropolitan area that are easy to get to for a day of fun in the sun. These are the water parks that are closest to Seoul.

Caribbean Bay

Address: 199, Everland-ro, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do | 경기도 용인시 처인구 포곡읍 에버랜드로 199

Caribbean Bay is the first and the largest water park in the country. It has indoor and outdoor pools, spas, water rides and slides, and an exciting wave pool. If thrills are what you’re after, be sure to slide down the 355-metre long Mega Storm water slide, or brave the Aqua Loop – a crazy slide that ends with an 18 metre drop.

Woongjin Playdoci Waterdoci

Address: 2, Jomaru-ro, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do | 경기도 부천시 원미구 조마루로 2

Woongjin Playdoci is located in Bucheon, just 50 minutes away from Seoul. This indoor theme park is open all year, so you can visit anytime of the year – even in winter! Along with a wave pool, slides and pools, it has a kids zone with rides perfect for families and small children.

Luxury hotels with swimming pools

As soon as summer hits Seoul, all I dream about is booking myself a staycation in a luxury hotel… mainly because they’re some of the only places in the city with outdoor pools. If you’ve got a little extra cash and you’re looking for a more exclusive vibe, I’d definitely recommend booking one.

If privacy’s what you’re after, the most exclusive (and expensive) of these has got to be the Banyan Tree Club and Spa. ONLY overnight guests and members of the Club can use their stunning Oasis Pool. Book a room at the Banyan Tree here.

The Grand Hyatt is probably one of the best known hotels in Korea. It’s where Barack Obama chose to stay when he visited Seoul. You can enjoy gorgeous views of the city, while lounging next to their Olympic-sized outdoor pool on a blazing hot Seoul summer afternoon.

Shilla Seoul’s outdoor pool is called “Urban Island.” It has heated pools, jacuzzis, cabanas and sunbeds on offer, as well as excellent views of the N Seoul Tower.

TIP  |  A summer staycation is a super popular activity in Seoul, so be sure to plan and book early. Especially if you’re limited to weekends. I use Booking for most of my hotel reservations, but have found great last minute deals on Agoda. Search hotels here.

On Booking     |     On Agoda           

Hotel pools open to the public

The outdoor pool at the Hamilton Hotel is one of the only ones you can access without actually being a guest. It’s located right in the middle of Itaewon – the expat hub of Seoul.

On weekdays, access to the pool costs 15,000 won. On weekends, admission is 20,000 won. It’s super popular and you’re sure to find a great mix of people from all over the world enjoying the party atmosphere and music. Be warned – it’s definitely more of an adult vibe, and anyone under 19 will not be admitted.

views of Itaewon at sunset

Itaewon is the expat hub of Seoul

For a more family-friendly pool experience, check out W Seoul, or the Sheraton Grande Walkerhill. These two hotels share an outdoor space called the RiverPark. There, you’ll find two kiddie size pools, an adult pool and outdoor jacuzzis to relax in.

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How do you survive a mega-hot summer in Seoul? Share your tips below!

Summer in Seoul, Korea is no joke. The monsoon rains, super high humidity and soaring temperatures make visiting during summer a challenge. Learn all the tricks locals use to survive a Seoul summer.


  • Karen Dawn Ryder

    June 30, 2020

    Thankyou for your article.It really does make me feel better to know that other people also feel that Seoul (Korea) in summer is really hell on Earth. It gets very, very annoying and depressing when many Koreans seem to pass it off, or start saying that ” Autumn is here!” when it’s still August and 33°C plus high humidity.

    I liked your article and appreciate how you try to give people some possible hopes, but your tips are not really ways to escape in my humble opinion and with due respect…Good perhaps to promote the businesses but not really effective to chill out, so to speak. You’ve still got to get to the pool or the beach or the restaurant, and even when there, it’s no guarantee to feel cool. Unless the place has excellent AC or there are few people there (which is highly unlikely given we are in Seoul with 11 million inhabitants plus the summer tourists), you will probably still feel drenched in sweat, burning with heat, and just dreaming to get back to home sweat home..but preferably on the sofa or in bed with the AC on full blast.
    Maybe Banyan Tree works..but it’s the only one, and because of that one must be ready to pay. Maybe that’s why we study hard and why parents work hard for their children to afford some pleasurable moments that need a bit more money..
    Anyway, if you can, do that.It’s a great place. Otherwise the best? Stay home when you can.Turn on the AC, pull down the hatches, drink lots of iced water, forget the water melons that will make you sweat even harder lugging the heavy thing back home and then having to cut the whole big rugby ball into civilized pieces for a minute’s pleasure, sometimes stick your head in the freezer, and then basically just wait. Just ride it out.Just wait for 3 months til it’s over. If you are so inclined do some praying or meditation to control your stress. Then try to think positively. Look to brighter futures. In my opinion, after Chuseok (Harvest Moon Festival) the weather is really wonderful.The golden Jinko trees, the persimmon fruit, the delicious food, the high cobalt skies, and the gentle breezes. The Korean autumn is truly magnificent. So~ just wait! All things must pass. And that includes the Korean summer.

  • Sha

    August 23, 2017

    Haha, thank god for malls!! 😉

  • Sha

    August 12, 2017

    A bit late to this but I couldn’t resist adding on.

    Seoul summer is definitely not fun. I went there once and oh boy, I felt like I was back home. So I feel you about the humidity. The way Singaporeans handle it though, is to disappear into a mall. Which is why there are so many malls here really. I especially love those malls that are connected to subways. I can spend my whole day there without stepping out to walk to the subway. Best way to stay away from humidity. 🙂

    • August 23, 2017

      I think this was the worst summer on record for humidity…I really suffered in a way I never have before, and sometimes the only solution was to go to the mall. I sure spent a lot of time in malls this summer ?

  • July 26, 2017

    Bingsoo and nnengmyun! Couldn’t agree with you more! I love eating the icy buckwheat soups on a hot day and I think those are one of the standout things about Korea in that they have cold soups in their culture! I guess there’s gazpacho for western countries, but I loved Korean summers just so nnengmyun would be that much more refreshing 🙂

    • August 25, 2017

      Not sure how I missed replying to this, but ANYWAYS – naengmyun has definitely become a bit of an obsession since experiencing a Seoul summer – but I think that if it wasn’t so damn hot and sticky here, I’d never eat a cold soup ever. It just seems so wrong and weird to me. Why eat soup when you can eat ice cream!!? 😉

  • July 25, 2017

    haha…I loved your post! Shells you missed last year’s summer. It was TERRIBLE! I somehow feel it’s much cooler this year. Probably because of the brief spells of rain. Haven’t eaten bingsu in a while or cold noodles. Evenings are much cooler and that’s when I choose to get out. ?

    • August 25, 2017

      So slow on my comment replying…but the terrible weather seems to have finally passed us by now. It’ll be perfect by the time you get back from Mongolia!

  • July 25, 2017

    Thanks for the link love! I am hating this humidity. The sweat is everywhere. Madness. I definitely need more patbingsus in my belly asap!

    • July 28, 2017

      Hopefully we’ll get a break from the humidity in Jeju…but so far, the forecast says rain. 🙁 Let’s hope it’s wrong…

  • July 25, 2017

    Great tips, Shelley! I like the idea of 이열치열, and usually choose 떡볶이 as my dish to do so, but I do love 닭갈비 as well.

    Still, 물냉면 is my favorite way to beat the summer heat… I just wish they served it year-round! I’ve tried to order it in the winter before, and usually just get a confused look.

    Reading this post makes me glad I live in Pohang, where it’s a little bit cooler (on average) than in Seoul. Thanks for the write-up!

    • July 25, 2017

      Every time the heat and humidity hit the city, all I can think about is escaping, usually to a coastal location. In fact, we’re plotting a last minute escape this weekend. Pohang is on the coast right? I think I’ve driven through there a few times, and eaten some 대게there. It’s famous for that I think. Any nice beaches around there?

  • July 25, 2017

    Man, I do not miss Seoul’s summer, but I do miss 빙수 and 냉면, I loved 비빔냉면 and would even eat it in winter ??? like you, I love the peanut 빙수 the most but my boyfriend hates it so we’d always get another flavour. I’m in Mexico now and just found out there is a Pequeño Seoul in Mexico City! Definitely going to check it out!!

    • July 25, 2017

      Oooh, I can’t eat 비빔냉면… I’ve tried, but it’s just too spicy for me. You must have serious spice tolerance. Haha, I always win in the bingsu flavour wars with hubby. Fortunately, he doesn’t enjoy it THAT much, so he always lets me pick – doesn’t stop him from eating most of it before I’ve even started though. 😉 Wow! Korean in Mexico City – def curious about how that is?!

  • wrpalomo

    July 24, 2017

    Hot and sticky! Those define our days here in Seoul these days and they aren’t pleasant. And my boys still go to soccer class and I have to be a soccer mom out there. Imagine that! I just have to chill this out until end of September and there’s the glorious Fall colors to look forward to!

    • July 25, 2017

      For me it’s not just the humidity, but the never-ending grey. It really gets to me. 🙁 But we are headed to Spain in just a few weeks, so I just have to get through a little while longer. At least we have sun today, right?? 🙂

  • July 22, 2017

    I agree with the Bingsu! It’s one of the best things in Korea. However, I’m not a fan of Naengmyeon. It feels weird to eat cold noodles. Anyway, 육쌈냉면 is really a good restaurant. I often eat Bibimbap there. It’s very affordable and delicious!

    • July 24, 2017

      I always thought it was strange to eat cold noodles too, but Korean summer convinced me to try them, and now I really enjoy them. Sometimes its the only thing that refreshes me completely.

  • July 22, 2017

    Actually, I do all the things on your list, including eating/ drinking both hot and cold beverages! Lately though, i’ve been having my Chai tea lattes and Green tea lattes iced. Talking of shade, I brought a parasol with me from Europe, and here, I find it the only place I can use it without getting stared at. Finally, I love mul nengmyun and papingsu!!! Yum!!! Nice write-up!

    • July 24, 2017

      I was never a big iced coffee person, but this incredibly humid summer has me turning to the cold lattes on more than one occasion. I never thought I would be one to carry a parasol around…but I think here you’re really justified in having one. It’s just so insanely hot when you’re under the full glare of the sun.

  • July 20, 2017

    Oh my god I appreciate the sentiment behind this so much, but…. this just doesn’t work! You had the right idea because you combat this by 1)leaving the country! and 2) buying an aircon! I don’t have one this summer. I refuse to buy one now because the prices are so crazy, but man I am so close to just shoving my stance back where the sun don’t shine (where it’s cool probably) and just buy one. IT’S SO HOT and MUGGY and STICKY! I have several fans going at the same time and yes it’s glorious when the rotation reaches me but when it passes me by I am back in still humid box of suffering.

    • July 24, 2017

      Haha I admit it you’re right…but I’m just talking about survival, not enjoying it, cuz obviously that’s impossible. 🙁 Is this year worse than any other year, or is it just me? We spent all of last summer in Europe, and boy am I missing those days big time this year. I have vowed to NEVER spend another summer in Seoul. It is just so incredibly unpleasant. But um…I think we need to have a discussion about this lack of an air conditioner. How are you surviving?? Our is on pretty much 24/7 and it’s STILL muggy in the house sometimes. :((((((

  • July 20, 2017

    Wow, that’s even worse than central NC. Atleast we don’t have the pollution. But I do spend most of my time indoors with the AC, or in my AC car.

    On the shade thing, I’ve noticed in southern Europe you can always tell the people who live in cold climates – they’re eating lunch out in the sun. People from hot places, like me, these days, are in the shade. I was on a Hurtigruten boat in Norway recently, on a hot, sunny day (yes, even in Norway!) everyone on the boat was sitting out in the sun, except for me and a couple from Singapore.

    • July 24, 2017

      Staying in AC IS really the only way to truly cope. Here, the humidity is so intense, you start sweating the second you make a move. 🙁 Haha, you’re so right about people who come from hot, humid climates…we’re always hiding in the shade.

  • July 19, 2017

    This is my life now also. Every morning I walk outside with my dog, and the heat and humidity smack me in the face, surrounding me like a hot, wet blanket. My weather app looks like yours, with clouds and lightning bolts in a straight line for 7 days in a row. The good thing here, though, is that the storms usually last about an hour max and then the sun comes beaming our again. That’s good for my spirits but so bad for the humidity! My biggest weapon is something I never thought I’d have and it’s the most wonderful thing in the world: a pool!

    I was in Seoul last August when you were gone, and I can attest to the brutal heat and humidity there – right on par with Houston for sure – but you have the added burden of crowds and pollution. 🙁 Hang in there! At least yours will disappear when fall arrives!

    • July 24, 2017

      Ahh last summer…how I’m missing the blue skies of Europe. 🙁 Actually this year is the worst year that I’ve ever experienced here. It’s been grey skies, rain and crazy humidity for almost a month now.

      Heat I can handle…it’s the humidity that’s really getting to me. Oh, you’re so lucky to have a pool! It makes such a difference to be able to dip into the water at will. And I’m jealous of your sunshine. I can’t even remember what the sun looks like anymore. 🙁

  • July 19, 2017

    well. i have to say i HATE this sort of weather. Although it’s worse I think when no rain comes.

    • July 24, 2017

      It’s just insane here…crazy buildup of humidity and then a few hours of rain to clear it somewhat and then the humidity builds up again. You literally start sweating the moment you move. Can’t wait till it’s over. 🙁


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